Shame on me! I'm just now getting around to posting photos from Sunday. It's a miracle I do anything in winter. I feel like I'm in a hazy dream, half the time. If I were a computer, I'd be flashing the "low battery" warning. Do you guys feel as crummy in January and February as I do? Every year, in December, I try to formulate a plan to beat the winter blues. This year, I created Pamperary and Fabuary, two months devoted to spoiling myself. That lasted about a week. I'm just no good without sunshine. I have to consider winter a slate cleaner for happiness. Just one big eraser wiping all the joie de vivre away. It brings you down to a humdrum state of mind so when the sun comes bobbing along over the horizon, you really appreciate it.
Nature is my Sunday service
But I still manage to glean some happiness out of the two shittiest months of the year. Sunday, for example, I spent almost the whole day outside. It was about 50 degrees. I can deal with that. Sunday has long been designated my outdoorsy day. Not a lot of events are scheduled on Sunday; many stores are closed. It evolved to be my communion with nature time just because the Sabbath shuts the world down.
I spent last Sunday taking my dog for a walk. Actually, I let her walk herself. Winter really sucks for a dog with no back yard. Her strolls are 8 miles in the warm months and 8 yards in the cold ones. That's got to be tough for a creature who can't entertain herself with books and blogs and Netflix.
My child seems content to lose herself in the ever repeating loop of kids shows on the Disney Channel. The shows are fairly harmless, but distort a kid's sense of reality quickly. Take it from a girl who thought like was going to be like "Saved By the Bell." (And maybe it is. I'm just more of a Screech than a Kelly.)
In the summer, all the kids in the neighborhood turn the neighborhood park into a summer camp. We bring snacks and crafts. It's great fun. But right now, my child has been spending much time in self-imposed seclusion with "Austin and Ally." So we decided to get a little exercise at a local trail/park.
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